Licensing Info – HMBeatz Sounds

Licensing Info

Licensing Info

All samples in the HMBeatz  series are royalty free, you have a royalty free license to use any of the samples.
    You may not use any samples from HMBeatz sounds in a sample pack, or resell the sounds in any way. Even if they are tweaked and edited. These sounds are intended for use in musical compositions.
      You may not use any of the samples as standalone sound effects or loops or create samples to compete with HMBeatz or HMBeatz Sounds
        You may not redistribute, transfer, stream, broadcast any of the HMBeatz samples.
          When using HMBeatz samples , you maintain ownership of your composition, but HMBeatz/HMBeatz sounds exclusively own the copyright to all of the samples.
            You may not credit or list HMBeatz  as a creator of the work you make with the samples, or use HMBeatz or HMBeatz Sounds in any your marketing materials.